SALES SPECIALIST (Export market)
We are Latvian company that has become the largest pallet collar manufacturer around the globe, producing sustainable products. Continuous development describes KRONUS - join our Packaging sales team!
Mēs parasti atbildam šādā laikā: divu nedēļu laikā
- Actively seek out and acquire new export clients to expand the company’s market presence and achieve sales targets
- Build and maintain strong relationships with clients, ensuring their needs are met and fostering long-term partnerships
- Conduct thorough market research to identify trends, client needs, and new business opportunities in the export market
- Develop and prepare tailored sales proposals and contracts that align with the specific needs and preferences of export clients
- Implement effective sales strategies and campaigns to drive growth in the export market, including participation in industry events and exhibitions
- Professional English and Spanish or Italian language knowledge *
- Proven experience in B2B international sales with a desire to continue a career in export
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build relationships with clients at all levels
- High sense of responsibility and ability to work independently
- Experience in negotiation and objection-handling techniques
- Proficient in Microsoft Office and CRM software
- Dynamic and exciting work experience at leading wooden packaging manufacturer
- Professional, friendly and responsive support of colleagues in the working process
- Comprehensive training and ongoing professional development opportunities
- Access to KRONUS library with the latest personal and professional development literature
- Workplace in a modern and comfortable office located in TC SAGA, as well as all the necessary equipment for work
- Health insurance from first working day
- Hybrid working model after trial period
- Gross salary from 2250,- to 2500,- EUR per month + bonuses for reaching KPIs
Employee development at KRONUS
* Considering that LTD Kronus operates internationally and we have business partners/customers worldwide, the foreign language skills specified in the requirements are essential for performing described duties.
The photo added to this job advertisement shows your potential future colleague Aleksejs Volcenkovs, our Chief Sales Officer "China" team! Aleksejs has been working in KRONUS since 2009!
Sludinājums latviešu valodā pieejams ŠEIT.
- Nodaļa
- Iepakojuma pārdošanas departaments
- Atrašanās vietas
- SAGA birojs
- Remote status
- Hibrīds
SAGA birojs
Pievienojies KRONUS attīstības ceļojumam — augošam globālam līderim, kas specializējas koka iepakojuma, saistīto pakalpojumu, dārza izstrādājumu un tērauda izstrādājumu ražošanā, pārdošanā un attīstībā. Apņemoties nodrošināt kvalitatīvu produktu klientiem visā pasaulē, mūsu produkti sasniedz vairāk nekā 60 valstis visos kontinentos. Mēs lepojamies ar spēcīgu un pastāvīgu klientu bāzi, kuri ir izvēlējušies KRONUS.
Kopš uzņēmuma dibināšanas 1995. gadā KRONUS ir regulāri paplašinājis ražošanu un ieguldījis attīstībā, sasniedzot ievērojamus rezultātus. Panākumu pamatā ir mūsu mērķtiecīgā komanda, kurā ir gandrīz 600 profesionāļu, kurus vada trīs nozares līderi. Apmēram 130 personas sniedz ieguldījumu KRONUS administrācijā, bet pārējie nodrošina netraucētus ražošanas procesus. Esi daļa no mūsu dinamiskās komandas un sniedz ieguldījumu KRONUS turpmākajos panākumos.
SALES SPECIALIST (Export market)
We are Latvian company that has become the largest pallet collar manufacturer around the globe, producing sustainable products. Continuous development describes KRONUS - join our Packaging sales team!
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